Video. The Risky First Date of A Business Interaction


Ah, first dates. We feel that way about videos for businesses. Some were magic, and some were memories you can't board up with enough emotional suppression! Some are great, and some make you cringe in your seat so hard you may prefer a wrong first date. Still, the essential part of a video for your business is that it can be the first touchpoint for potential customers.

Like most first dates, videos for businesses can often miss the mark by seeming under interested and aloof, or psychotically over interested. That's why it's crucial to work with a team that gets the two ditches to avoid. A team can help you find that happy middle where your customers know the value you bring, but they are still curious to learn more. 

The biggest secret of hitting the mark on a business video is to make it about the client. To make the video about what you'll do for them. That's what we all want, to engage with brands and companies that understand our needs and can meet those needs. 

Still, It's a fine line to make a business video that moves through what you authentically offer the client. And authenticity is the needle mover for today's marketing. Because we are over-marketed too, we've become more brilliant, much more alert to B.S. So your clients can seamlessly read through a disingenuine offer. 

We would love to help you navigate the tricky terrain of making a results-producing video for your business. Still, if you decide to do it yourself or hire someone else, help them keep in mind the importance of this first date. A bad video might make your first date with your potential customer your last as it relates to your customer. 

Casey Combest