The Power of Having an Engaging Video for Your Business


Much like everything else here on earth, the realities and influences of video marketing are always transforming and manifesting. On top of that, video content has quite literally become the holy grail marketing solution for businesses of every industry to expand, when implemented correctly, of course. What this means for you is that if you genuinely want your business to remain competitive and reach full scaling potential, not only do you need to adopt the power of videos, but you need to be willing to alter your approaches strategically as the demand market shifts. 

Sounds like a lot of work, right? Thankfully, that’s where Common House Productions can step up and come into the picture to make this process much more seamless, affordable, and converting for you. 

Nonetheless, video content has taken the business world by storm, proven to bolster conversion rates, improve sales, and spearhead business growth. Why is that? Because incorporating videos within your marketing strategy can effectively boost your organic traffic up to 157% while simultaneously raising your conversion rates by a whopping 80%, according to WordStream. Even more, video content has been documented for driving 50X more online traffic than standalone text. All in all, and when done properly, videos can be a memorable, engaging, and influencing asset to your business and one that can unlock some pretty groundbreaking advantages. 

The Advantages of Video Marketing

  • Increases Sales: Let’s face it; just about every online browser prefers watching video content over reading bland text. In fact, 72% of customers would rather learn about a product/service through a captivating video than by reading about it. In short, video marketing is known for drastically increasing the likelihood of gaining new customers and converting leads into sales because people enjoy the rich engagement factor videos offer and admire the ability to absorb tons of meaningful information/data without having to do any extensive reading.

  • Improves SEO: SEO matters a lot. In general, ranking as high as you can in search engines such as Google is one of the most pinnacle objectives for professionals conducting business online. Now, the cool thing is that Google favors video content in its algorithm. This means adding videos to your website can help improve your SEO and odds of ranking higher within online search results – thus gaining more organic traffic and raising your opportunity for growth.

  • Enhances Email Click-Throughs: Another fun fact about video content is that it does not just have to be used on your business website or social media platforms. Leveraging video content for email marketing campaigns has been heavily linked to optimizing click-through rates. The reason is that embedding videos can effectively catch your viewer’s attention faster and quickly entice them to learn more about you. As a disclaimer, just make sure not to make your videos too long (2+ minutes). Long videos in emails can trigger your campaign being sent straight to your audiences’ spam folders. 

Conclusion? – Market Smarter, Not Harder 

Believe it or not, 4.6 billion video ads are watched online every single year. In addition, video content is the powerhouse catalyst for 65% of ad viewers visiting the business’s site with the high potential to become meaningful leads. With these set-in-stone stats, it stands to reason why 87% of marketing professionals take advantage of videos as their cornerstone marketing tool, and now is no better time for you to begin doing the same. 

Video marketing is not just a luxury tactic anymore; it is a business necessity. Times have changed since chiseling slates, and video content is something that every business needs to adopt if they haven’t done so already. Now, because there is so much riding on this element of your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to video marketing experts to help you every step of the way. We here at Common House Productions happen to know a thing or two about creating empowering, eloquent video content that captivates and ultimately attracts/retains the right target audience for your business without breaking your bank. So, if you want to tick your video marketing game up, advance above your competition, and obtain new levels of bottom-line growth, then we are ready when you are to make that happen.

Casey Combest